Adaptive Interaction communication training for those who care for individuals with advanced dementia

It is important to us that the training we provide is based on scientific evidence. We have researched the development and growth of Adaptive Interaction since 2002 and are committed to increasing the evidence for this approach. Please see below for links to our publications on Adaptive Interaction.
Peer reviewed publications:
Ellis, M., & Astell, A. (2017). Communicating with people living with dementia who are nonverbal: The creation of Adaptive Interaction. PloS one, 12(8), e0180395.
Astell, A. J. & Ellis, M. P. (2006). The social function of imitation in severe dementia. Infant and Child Development, 15, 311-319.
Ellis, M. P., & Astell, A. J. (2004). The urge to communicate in severe dementia. Brain and Language, 91(1), 51-52.
Professional and practice journals:
Henwood, A. & Ellis, M.P. (2015). Giving a voice to people with advanced dementia. The Psychologist, (in press).
Astell, A. J., & Ellis, M. P. (2012). Communicating beyond speech. In A Good Senior Life with Dual Sensory Loss, Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues, 24-31.
Astell, A. J. & Ellis, M. P. (2011). The challenges of equipping care home staff with psychosocial skills: reflections from developing a novel approach to communication. PSIGE Newsletter, 117, 26-32.
Ellis, M. P., & Astell, A. J. (2011). Adaptive Interaction - a new approach to communicating with people with advanced dementia. Journal of Dementia Care, 19(3), 24-26.
Ellis, M. P. & Astell, A. J. (2011). Intensive Interaction for people with dementia: A new approach to communication? The Intensive Interaction Newsletter, 35, Spring 2011, 5-6.
Ellis, M., & Astell, A. (2010). Communication and personhood in advanced dementia. Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, 10 (3), 32-35.
Ellis, M. P. & Astell, A. J. (2008). A case study of Adaptive Interaction: A new approach to communication with people with advanced dementia. PSIGE Newsletter, 105, 24- 34.
Book chapters:
Astell, A.J. & Ellis, M. P. (2011). Adaptive Interaction for dementia. O. Debilius & W. Maier (Eds) Health Services Research for People with Dementia. Kohlhammer; Stuttgart, pp 66-70.
Ellis, M. P., & Astell, A. J. (2008). A case study of Adaptive Interaction: a new approach to communicating with people with advanced dementia. S. Zeedyk (Ed). Techniques for promoting social engagement in individuals with communicative impairments. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Ellis, M., & Astell, A. (2017). Adaptive Interaction and Dementia: How to Communicate Without Speech. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Ellis, M. P. & Zeedyk, S. (2014). Rethinking Communication: The Connected Baby Guide to Advanced Dementia. Suzanne Zeedyk Ltd Publishing, Dundee.